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Mental Health + Illness
Definitions, History, Approaches

By Gillian Hilscher (5 minutes)

What does it mean to be mentally healthy? Is mental health simply the opposite of mental illness? How can you know if you're floundering, struggling, languishing, or flourishing? Corey L. M. Keyes and Shane J. Lopez address these questions and the nuances of mental health and illness in the Handbook of Positive Psychology, which we'll explore here.

By Gillian Hilscher (5 minutes)

Explore a timeline of the most prominent treatments for mental illness in the United States, and take a deeper look at two of the most controversial treatments in the history of mental illness: electroconvulsive therapy and the lobotomy.

By Gillian Hilscher (5 minutes)

For years, mental illness was thought to be the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain, but Jeffrey R. Lacasse and Jonathan Leo explain why we still have a long way to go in fully understanding it.

By Gillian Hilscher (5 minutes)

We may not know everything about mental illness, but that doesn't mean we can't start addressing it! Kristian Wahlbeck explains the concept of public mental health and how society-wide measures can help us tackle this problem head-on.

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